Cuyahoga Valley National Park - Pittsburgh - Niagara Falls

This was a 4 day trip during the July 4th long weekend. Just over 3 hours from Ann Arbor, Cuyahoga Valley national park (CVNP) has a lot to offer for a biking enthusiast. The meandering cuyahoga river on one side, the remnants of the Ohio-Erie canal on the other, and greenery all around makes it perfect for a biking trip during a cool summer day. We started off on Thursday July 3rd from Ann Arbor around 9 AM and reached the Peninsula Depot Visitor Center . After a quick lunch, we rented out bikes at the Century Cycles , visible from the visitor center. Bike rental costs about $9/hour, so we decided to bike for 3 hours. After packing our bags we headed north from Peninsula depot on the towpath trail. Towpath Trail - CVNP Remains of a Lock - used to raise or lower boats in the canal Cuyahoga River Lilies and black eyed susan flowers along the towpath trail After biking for about 7 miles, we decided to head back. CVNP has a scenic railroad . Fo...